Newbie registration quick procedure.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
1) Scan profile for obscenities (example: inappropriate emails or locations). Use PR or BAN immediately based on situation.

2) Run IP @ “ http:/ ”. PR anything strange (IE posters from non conventional countries in relation to
TIP: add this link to your bookmark toolbar.
PR anyone using a proxy except for AOL proxies.

3)Run IP through V-bulletin software to see if poster is a ghost or has recently been banned.

We do not allow user names containing profanity (BrettFarveBlows) or websites ( in doubt place the poster on PR and PM Wilheim.

***To view more detailed registration instructions click HERE***

Thanks, wilheim
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New member
Sep 21, 2003
Newbie registration procedure

Newbie registration procedure
Please go through the steps when you register these new posters.

1. check out profile for weird or profane language. For example if a newbie has an email addy of or wihiem' that is a tip off that the newbie is a ghost with an agenda, depending upon how bad either Post Review or ban these types outright then and there.

Also while in the profile check his location in his location box in Vbulletin (bottom left of newbie profile) if it says something like the dark side of hell or some bullshit like that be alerted right away. Best to PR him if in doubt.

2. ALWAYS run all IPs in both places of another - one in this website where it says trace IP: it will tell you where he is posting from and more importantly if he is using a proxy. I have the website bookmarked and keep it open all the time I am working.

If he is using a proxy or posting from any of the third world Asian or Afircan nations he is definitely a scammer of some sort. Ideally you want the IP location to match the one he posts for himself in his VBulletin profile. A newbie says he is in Iowa and says he is in Iowa is a very good sign that the newbie is legit.

Any newbie from an off the wall place like China, India, kzakastan, Russia, all of Africa, Serbia, Bulgaria, even Greece etc. is probably up to no good and should go right to Post Review.

If the country is not the US, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Panama, Curacao, Canada or Austrailia then PR is probably your best bet. We can always check him out when he posts to see if he is up to something or not.

3. Be careful with AOL IPs as they clump groups of users in the same IP. will tell you if the IP is a proxy. It will say Proxy IP in red - go straight with all proxies to post review. AOL's if they match location in the website and what they enter as their location in their VBulletin profile location box can pass and be registered up to that point if they match geographic areas, like a city or state.

4. Run the IP through the VBulletin software that reads:

Search IP Addresses (on the left of the drop down menu that says USERS) - this will tell you if the newbie has previous user names. Anyone with previous user names should go on Post Review so we can see what kind of poster they will be. Ghosts of recently banned posters that you might recall can be banned again on sight - use your own judgment. This method is a little time consuming, I suggest you only use it when in doubt..

5. Actual user names themselves cannot be websites, contain profanity (eg. BrettFarveBlows etc) or be obvious touts. Just make sure the user name is not to nasty or promotional, again judgment is called for. No user-names with internet drugs in them should be registered. For example ViagaraKing or Pleaseyouroldladytoday etc should be banned on sight. They just want to peddle online pharmacy products to our posters. Ban the pharmaceutical newbies on site.

6. Finally if in doubt place the poster on PR and PM me with his user name and say I was not sure about this guy so I PR'd him and I will check him out for you.
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New member
Jul 20, 2002
Due to upcoming World Cup. Changes in registering newbies.

With the World Cup right around the corner some members of the team feel we should allow a more global prescience on the site. Good idea, so I made the following changes that should allow for more posters from different countries to join The Rx Posting Body effective immediately:

1. Scan newbie profile for obscenities - example: inappropriate email addresses such as The Rxblows or inappropriate locations such In Wilhiem's Wifes underwear or that kind of thing. Ban those newbies as obviously they have an agenda.

2. When checking Usernames do not allow racially insensitive usernames to register. No need for examples as you all know what I am talking about.

3. Do not allow very insulting usernames for celebrity athletes such as BrettFarveBlows or TigerWoodsafag or usernames ridiculing any Mods or other posters such as Ace-Ace sucks etc. You have to ban them and email the newbie and explain if he submits a normal username he can register. All that is is homerism displaying itself.

4, In the cases of newbies with website usernames, such as or anything with a dot com at the end. no changes there. Ban and email the newbie why.

5) There is no need to use anymore as we are registering newbies from all parts of the world starting today May 17th 2010.. (Up to you if you want to keep the website bookmarked).

6) Unfortunately you are still going to have to run newbie IPs through The V-
Bulletin software to see if the new poster is a ghost of someone already registered in our database or has recently been banned or Post Reviewed himself under another username but with same IP..Be careful with AOL IPs as a match that does not mean it is the same person. If the IP being checked comes up matched to a long list of AOL IP posters he is most likely not a ghost, just an AOL IP Pool user.

I wish I could make the process easier for everyone but without simply disregarding checks altogether we still have some work to do. Mainly running newbie IPs through VBulletin software. Optional is posting in mod thread, that should save you all time and extra work. You can post it in mod thread if you ban or PR a newbie or not. Totally up to you.

Thanks, wil.
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New member
Jul 20, 2002
I have the old posts from Mod Policies aside to avoid confusion.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
sorry, what do you mean aside? I dont see them soft deleted. I do not see them not there at all?

also, what confusion are you referring too? I thought these were the two procedures we were working with based on our conference calls with managment late last year?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I have them in a folder so that they can be re-posted should we decide to revert to those procedures again after the World Cup is over. At this point there is no telling how opening the site to the entire world will work out.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Here are the two old procedures at top for registering newbies from original Mod Policy thread. When separated they reverted to their proper post dates and pages in this forum.

I made a few little corrections also.

I also copied them to a folder in my documents in case like many old posts in Board Room they become difficult to find in a search.


New member
Sep 21, 2003

I think you removed them because you do not agree with the 'quick newbie registration' procedure that we had agreed to via conference call with MartyJ several months back.

Marty asked me to make that "quick registration procedure" because he felt going through a long and arduous process to register each newbie was not necessarry. (Ricka and myself agreed). He specifically asked me to make that procedure which I did at his request.

He then advised us that MODS could choose either procedure when registering newbies.... the long procedure or the quick prodedure. THose who wanted to investigate each newbie to the fullest extent were free too but this was not mandatory.

The argument was given by both Ricka and MJ that the long procedure was overkill for many reasons (which I can outline if you wish). The main reason being that the forum in many ways moderates itself, and that there was no harm in giving those who were banned a second chance (ghosts) if they came to the site with a new persona.

I also remember, about 1 month ago we spoke on the phone and you asked me about deleting the short procedure. At that time I told you I did not think it was in the best interest to do so since I had been specifically asked to write up the procedure.

Now, without any discussion, both procedures are Hard deleted.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
6) Unfortunately you are still going to have to run newbie IPs through The V-
Bulletin software to see if the new poster is a ghost of someone already registered in our database or has recently been banned or Post Reviewed himself under another username but with same IP..Be careful with AOL IPs as a match that does not mean it is the same person. If the IP being checked comes up matched to a long list of AOL IP posters he is most likely not a ghost, just an AOL IP Pool user.

This is contrary to what we had decided on the conference call with MartyJ late last year. We discussed this via skype in detail if you will recall.

If we are going to change something back and negate the conversations and procedure that we had in place, is it possible for us to discuss this?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Sorry but that was untouched since the postwent uplast October.

6) Unfortunately you are still going to have to run newbie IPs through The V-
Bulletin software to see if the new poster is a ghost of someone already registered in our database or has recently been banned or Post Reviewed himself under another username but with same IP..Be careful with AOL IPs as a match that does not mean it is the same person. If the IP being checked comes up matched to a long list of AOL IP posters he is most likely not a ghost, just an AOL IP Pool user.

Untouched by myself today or any other day if this is from post #1 or #2. Watch what you accuse people of doing when you have no proof to back it up.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
I wrote the quick newbie procedure, and that portion was not in there wilheim.

Now it has been edited. And HARD deleted from the MOD duties.

I agree that existed with the LONG PROCEDURE but was not part of the QUICK PROCEDURE

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Nothing was hard deleted all that happened is I separated the two posts from the Policy thread. The proof is they are at the top of this thead posted by you but moved back here by me. There is no way I could hard delete anything and make it reappear as posted by you last October..

I split out the two posts this morning after making the new policy to fit the World Cup idea.

Click on edit in the policy thread and look at bottom action.

05:44, 17th May 2010 wilheim Thread split to threadid 773594.

Nothing was hard deleted.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
the proof is not there because my post was edited

"Last edited by wilheim; 05-17-2010 at 12:16 PM. "

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Cut and pasted from Moderator Log.

199523 wilheim 05:44, 17th May 2010 Thread split to threadid 773594. Thread: [MOD RX moderator policies]
Forum: [The New Board Room]

Edited and hard deleted are two different things. I simply edited one word while discussing the matter with another moderator who has a problem with the policy. He will be glad to vouch for that I am sure.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
i understand now they were not hard deleted but simply moved. (hidden).

Regardless.... my post was changed. The agreed instructions were changed. and the post has been edited.

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